Home Sport Sakina can certainly kick it

Sakina can certainly kick it


Football star Sakina Dhirani has had a taste of Match of the Day glory at just 12 years old.

Sakina, from north London, beat hundreds of contenders to be selected for a new TV show: Match of the Day: Can You Kick It?

The programme showcases some of the UK’s most skilful youngsters as they take on an obstacle course that tests their football skill, speed and accuracy.

Sakina put in a stellar performance on the CBBC show, which is searching for the best young technical freestyle footballers in the country.

Youngsters have to show off their dribbling ability, hit targets, perform keepie-uppies and finish with a header.

Playing for England

Sakina said: “I really want to play for England. I started football when I was six and I play for Watford Ladies. What’s put me where I am is my mentality, because you play football with your mind not your feet.”

She said she’d loved appearing on Match of the Day: Can You Kick It? because: “Not many people get chance to do what they love on TV and show the world their skills.”

In the footsteps of Maradona

Sakina’s favourite team is Watford and her favourite player is Mo Salah. Her key skill is the “Maradona roulette”.

The ten fastest Can You Kick It? triallists will be heading for training camp at St George’s Park, the amazing facility used by England’s national teams.