Home Community Africa Federation embarks on AFed Tower Development project in Dar es Salaam

Africa Federation embarks on AFed Tower Development project in Dar es Salaam


By Secretariat
Housing Development Board of AFED

On the auspicious occasion of Wiladat of Imam Ali (A.S), the AFED Housing Development Board handed over the site of latest project to the contractor, Mohamed Builders Limited of Dar es Salaam who were awarded the contract.

By the Grace and Blessings of Allah (SWT), we have embarked on a new notable project in Dar es Salaam, named AFED Tower which is located in the city centre on Jamhuri/Mwisho Street, just 5 minutes’ walk from KSIJ Mosque.

The 11-storey building featuring a basement, ground & mezzanine floor for economic development to generate income for AFED. The project, first of its kind will accommodate first & second floor for the Africa Federation Headquarter offices, a multi-purpose hall and 7 floors shall be apartments with modern amenities.

Below is a brief outline of the processes undertaken so far:

March 2019 to July 2019: Discussion and finalization with Haji Gulamhussein Juma – Babuseth Family

April 2019 – October 2019: Planning, designing, approvals and permits were obtained

October 2019 to January 2020: Documentation / Tendering Process was done

20th Dec 2019 to 5th January 2020: The old building on the plot was demolished

December 2019 to January 2020: Discussions with the contractors

3rd February 2020: Signing of the contract was done

8th March 2020: 1st site meeting with the contractor took place and the handing over of the plot was done on Wiladat of Imam Ali (A.S.) – 13th Rajab (1441 A.H.)

9th March 2020: Commencement of the project.

Insha’Allah this project is aimed for completion in 16 months from the date of hand over of the site and mobilization by the contractor.

The property was bequeathed in October 2005 to the Trustees of the Federation of KSI Jamaats of Africa by Alhaj Gulamhussein Abdulrasul Haji Jooma well known in the community by the name of Babuseth. May Allah (SWT) grant him heavenly abode and perpetual blessings (Thawabe Jariah) for his benevolence and the bequeath of the property to AFED.

A Trust Deed is in place between the family and AFED Trustees which stipulates that the income from the existing property is to be shared between the family and AFED on an 80-20 basis as far as the heirs of the family are alive, may Allah (swt) grant him good health and long life – Ameen, after which AFED will retain 100% of the income. The AFED share of the returns is to be utilized for the welfare of the deserving members of the community.
The Property before its demolishment in January 2020 consisted of six shops and four flats of which 2 flats for own accommodation and one shop were retained by the family.
A joint meeting between the AFED Office Bearers, Trustees and the family of Babuseth was held in March 2019 where the plan to redevelop the property was presented to the party and agreed upon.

In June 2019 the family and AFED signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in a joint agreement to proceed for the demolition and redevelopment of the property. The MOU also covered all other matters during the interim phase of construction until completion of the project whereby the family will be provided with an alternative accommodation of a rented flat in the city centre for the heir. After completion of the building, the heir will be provided with a new apartment in one of the floors of the building for the accommodation, all other requirements shall be in accordance with the Trust Deed.

From December 20th 2019 to January 5th 2020, the demolition of old structure was carried out to pave way for the construction of a new building on the plot.

On 3rd February 2020, a contract for the construction was signed between Africa Federation and contractor M/S. Mohammedi Builders Limited of Dar es Salaam at AFED office in Zahra Tower.

On 15th March 2020, AFED Chairman Alhaj Shabir Najafi along with the office bearers and Chairman of the Housing Development Board and the Director of Mohamed Builders Limited with his staff visited the site to witness the commencement of the AFED Tower project by the contractor. Below photograph taken during the visit to the site on Jamhuri/Mwisho Street in the city of Dar es Salaam.

The Chairman of Housing Development Board of AFED, Alhaj Akil Hirji would like to sincerely thank the AFED Chairman, Alhaj Shabir Najafi, office bearers, trustees and Afed Housing Development Board members for their valuable support and guidance all the time, and special thanks go to our Legal Advisor, Zakiya Bai Khamsa for her voluntary services extended to the Housing Development Board in various fields.

We also convey our sincere appreciation and thanks to the family of Babuseth who have been very supportive, understanding and cooperative to ensure the project takes off smoothly. We pray for their good health, long life and success, and pray for Marhum Babuseth for his maghferat – Ameen.

We take this opportunity also to thank most sincerely all our supporters and well-wishers for their support towards all our projects, we pray to the Almighty to grace them all with strength, good health and long life. May Allah (SWT) reward them amply here and in the hereafter – Ameen.

We seek your prayers, support and encouragement to accomplish this project within the timeframe – Insha’Allah.