Home Sport An amazing and enjoyable afternoon playing golf

An amazing and enjoyable afternoon playing golf


On Saturday 10th August 2019, SJ Kids’ Socials organised a trip to Lost Jungle London for an exciting and adventurous day out to play crazy golf. Once the girls arrived at the golf course, they were split into two groups – one to play the Amazon course and one to play the Congo course. The Amazon course consisted of a beautiful waterfall and several water fountains, streams, as well as an Aztec cave and a variety of Jungle wildlife, such as pythons. The Congo course consisted of even more wildlife, such as snakes, and large Jungle mammals, as well as a super swingy bridge. Once the girls were equipped with their golf clubs, balls and score cards, they made their way to the respective courses to begin their challenge.

They proceeded to the first hole in which the aim of the game was to hit the ball into the hole in the least possible number of tries. When this was achieved, they would write down the number of hits it took for them to get the ball into the hole next to the name on the score cards. The girls were informed that the winners of the game would be the people who had the lowest total number of hits at the end of the course. The course consisted of many various and exciting tracks with different ground levels, such as hitting the ball under a bridge in the waterfall, or over a hill of grass, making each one more playful and adventurous as they proceeded throughout the course. Each track also allowed the girls to pick their own method of achieving the goal, as it had various ways to complete the task. While some methods of getting the ball in the hole were simple and designed to develop skills of a steady hand, alternative ways were a little more playful, designed to challenge the player. It was up to each girl to decide their own method of playing.

Despite the wind and rain on the day, the group commented they had a blast working their way around the crazy golf course. The trip allowed the girls an opportunity to bond with friends during their summer holidays whilst trying a new activity at a subsidised price. One girl mentioned she had ‘an amazing and enjoyable afternoon’ stating that the course was ‘challenging but fun’. We’re happy to receive such positive feedback and hope to be arranging similar trips to this in the future.