Home Heritage Calling all Khojas… have you booked your flight yet?

Calling all Khojas… have you booked your flight yet?


Discover our legacy in India

If you have ever wondered about our heritage and wanted to learn more, now is your chance to take a leap back in time and understand what steps our ancestors took in order to become Shia Ithna-Asheris.

Join us on our Heritage tour in India from 4th to 14th January 2020. Bring the entire family and embark on this historical tour and learn all about our ancestors, whilst enjoying the culture, food, climate and some truly fantastic scenery. Book your family holiday today!

For only £675 (ground package), take the once in a lifetime opportunity to visit the shrines of Pir Gulamali Shah and Pir Dadu in Kera and Bhuj, as well see the three historic buildings representing the three Khoja strands in Mumbai.

Apply by 31st August to visit a variety of historical cities to follow in the footsteps of our ancestors and gain a deeper understanding of the origins of our Khoja community along with the chance to learn more about our history. Seats are getting booked faster than expected. Book yours now to avoid disappointment!

Learn more, click here