Home Community Sanitisers instead of sport

Sanitisers instead of sport


Whilst sports activities at London’s Stanmore Jafferys (SJ) are at a standstill because of Covid-19, energy and resources have been pivoted to support the remarkable efforts of local charities.

SJ has managed to source hand sanitisers that are both essential for hygiene in the fight against coronavirus, and in high demand.

The SJ team have supplied a total of 1,800 bottles to WF-AID for distribution to individuals and families through the WF-AID charity network:

Sufra NW: 1,200 bottles to cover needs for a period of 5 weeks; they will distribute to vulnerable groups in and around the NW London area as part of their foodbank delivery services.

Hand on Heart: 480 bottles distributed via Nishkam SWAT to the homeless also in Central London.

Read more about the Hand on Heart project here

Who is Hussain: 120 bottles at their food drive in Charing Cross to the homeless.

SJ may no longer be able to organise community sports events, but community spirit is still alive and kicking.