Home Community Solidarity Day Walk, Dar-es-Salaam

Solidarity Day Walk, Dar-es-Salaam


In Dar-es-Salaam around 170 participants enjoyed the Solidarity Day Walk organised by the Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheri Jamaat.

Trophies were awarded to the oldest walker, best fundraiser and winner of the bicycle race, among other accolades. Walkers included Madrassah students and all thoroughly enjoyed the event, held in refreshingly cool weather.

Participants set off at 5pm from the KSIJ Mosque compound and ended back there at 6.15pm.

The walkwas one of many AFED Solidarity Day activities held in various jamaats around Africa on Saturday 5 May 2018.

Ribbon cutting

At a small function before the walk verses from the Holy Quran and Dua Hujjat were recited, followed by a ribbon-cutting ceremony performed jointly by the World Federation President Anwarali bhai Dharamsi, Africa Federation Vice Chairman Aunali bhai Khalfan, Dsm Jamaat Vice Chairman Riyaz bhai Bhojani and other dignitaries.

A closing ceremony was held after Maghriban Namaz where various tokens for the different events held to raise funds for the Solidarity Day were presented.The Dar-es-Salaam Jamaat Office Bearers extends its appreciation to the Solidarity Day Team, volunteers, donors and all walkers.