Home Community Telethon 2020 raises USD 200,000 in midst of COVID-19 crisis

Telethon 2020 raises USD 200,000 in midst of COVID-19 crisis


Incredible generosity from donors worldwide has raised a staggering USD 200,000 in cash and kind for the annual Telethon campaign in Karachi.

Organisers said: “COVID-19 has posed mega healthcare and survival challenges all over. The only way to save ourselves from this pandemic is by saving and helping others.”

Volunteers from all Khoja (Pirhai) Shia Isna Jamaat (KPSIAJ) departments worked to make the event a success.

 Amazing act of generosity

The annual Telethon fundraiser was held on Saturday 9 May in remembrance of the magnanimity of Hazrat Khadija s.a. This year the Telethon also coincided with Wiladat of Imam Hassan a.s. Providing meals to the needy is one of his better-known attributes.

The amount raised so far by Karachi Jamaat is Rs. 16,114,700 – approx. USD 100,717 – including a donation of USD 10,000 from The World Federation.

This is expected to rise to Rs. 18 million – USD 112,000 – when all contributions are received.

In addition to the cash commitments, a donor who wishes to remain anonymous gifted a 500kw generator for Fatimiyah Hospital costing Rs. 15 million (approx. USD 94,000) – fulfilling a desperate need.

“This was an amazing act of generosity which greatly motivated us all,” organisers said. “It proves that there is a lot of hope for this community, against all odds!”

Vital community services

“When someone looks up to you in their need, it is a blessing of Allah s.w.t. upon you”.

The generous contributions at Telethon help KPSIAJ in sustaining its community support projects, be it Fatimiyah Education Network, Fatimiyah Hospital or other community services. These include marriage and burial registrations, graveyards, sports centre, libraries, census, community centre and transport.

Community support is all the more important to assist vulnerable families during the coronavirus crisis.

Donate today

It is still possible to pledge support, by email here

Donors may additionally subscribe to the Jamaat’s Family Participation Programme, for periodic contributions at their convenience, or create / contribute via a Family Endowment Fund.