Home Community AFED secretariat mourns the loss of the Chairman of Tabligh Board (AFTAB)

AFED secretariat mourns the loss of the Chairman of Tabligh Board (AFTAB)


“Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Rajeeun”

“To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return”

(Holy Qur’an, Surah Al Baqarah 2:156)

Alhaj Syed Hassan Abbas Ansar Hussein Naqvi (1955 – 2021)

The Africa Federation Secretariat received with deep sorrow and sadness the news of the demise of Alhaj Syed Hassan Abbas Ansar Hussein Naqvi which occurred in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania on Friday 12th February 2021 (29th Jamadi-ul-Aakhar 1442 A.H.)

Born in Moshi on 6th November 1955, Syed was the eldest child of late Maulana Syed Ansar Hussein Naqvi who came from Lucknow, India. He was one of the first Missionaries under Africa Federation to serve our community in Africa, whose first posting was in Moshi Jamaat in 1953, and thereafter in Dodoma Jamaat, both towns are in Tanzania.

Syed Hassan started community services at a young age in Dodoma, Tanzania where he was the Chairman of the Jamaat in the year 1984 to 1992, before migrating to the U.K. where he served as the Hon Secretary of Birmingham KSIMC Jamaat for the years 1999 – 2003.  He was one of the five candidates for the World Federation Presidential Elections in 2009. He was elected as the Electoral Commissioner – World Federation for the term 2011 – 2014.

Syed Hassan joined Africa Federation as Chairman of Tabligh Board (AFTAB) in 2010 under the leadership of Alhaj Anwarali Dharamsi and he continued for two terms till 2016. Syed was reappointed in the same position by the current Chairman, Alhaj Shabir Najafi from 2016; till he submitted to the will of Allah (SWT). He was also appointed recently to lead the Dar-es-Salaam Jamaat Tabligh Board by the current Jamaat Managing Committee.

Marhum’s focus in the past few years were towards promoting effective net-working with institutions of higher learning in the field of the religion of Islam and the Madh’ab of Ahlulbayt (A.S.) – Likewise, he was keenly involved  in reformation of our Madrassahs in the Jamaats of Africa Federation to bring about harmonization and vibrancy in the entire Madressah system by also introducing the World Federation Madressah Centre of Excellence (MCE) program aiming to bring up the standards of teaching and better understanding of the religion of Islam, the Holy Qur’an and the Madh’ab of Ahlulbayt (A.S.) by the Madressah students. Syed Hassan left no stone unturned in ensuring implementation of these programs, spanning several Jamaats in Mainland Africa including in Reunion and Mauritius Islands.

Syed played a crucial role in the field of Tabligh in our Jamaats in Africa, especially in promoting and inculcating Islamic and Family Values in the families by organizing several workshops, seminars and training conducted by professionals involving youths and parents. He was deeply concerned with the social vices which is penetrating in our community; as he painfully explained in the last three AFED Supreme Council Sessions. Recently Tabligh Board has been involved in assisting with Match-Making by holding closed session programs for parents and working with other similar bodies and individuals towards matching couples from around the globe.

The Annual Qur’an Competition a flagship of AFTAB is an event that was very close to Syed’s heart and he together with his dedicated team have worked in making this event into popularly awaited occasion each year for the Madressah students in the Jamaats in Africa. The competition has grown in leaps and bounds over the years with more participation and categories introduced, amongst which the Maarifa having become the highlight of the event.

Marhum was also actively involved in the Moon Sighting duties, including close coordination with various Jamaats, Ulemas and Institutions in Najaf and in Qum.

Syed Hassan Naqvi’s contribution towards Tabligh in Africa has been outstanding – He was a person of action more than words. His passing away is not only a loss to the family but to the entire community and Africa Federation.

Condolence Message from the Chairman of Africa Federation:

I am at loss of words to express my personal feelings and that of my colleagues in Africa Federation on the sad demise of our beloved Alhaj Syed Hassan Abbas Naqvi which occurred on Friday, 12th February 2021 in Dar es Salaam, his death was received with profound shock in many parts of the world as seen from the huge number of messages and telephone calls we received following the news of his death.

Marhum possessed an amiable personality, whose presence at any gathering would brighten the mood of the place, his passion and dedication for the betterment of our community was always at the forefront in his thoughts and actions as witnessed during the meetings and discussions we had.

He was that one person who my team and I could call upon at any time to discuss complex issues that we were faced with and he would always be there to guide and support us. His sad departure from this world is heart-breaking and leaves behind a huge vacuum in the community, and most particularly in the Tabligh Board of Africa Federation (AFTAB) which he served so passionately as Chairman for over 10 years.

AFTAB has lost a passionate, talented, devoted and kind hearted person whose efforts and immense contributions towards Africa Federation and the mission of Tabligh will remain for ever in the history of our Institution for a man whose mere presence in the Board was an inspiration and helpful for members of his team and others – He was the pillar of AFTAB.

May Allah (SWT) reward Marhum Syed Hassan Naqvi amply for all his valuable contributions and selfless services during his lifetime and forgive him for all his shortcomings; May Allah (SWT) by his infinite mercy and grace grant Marhum maghferat and bless him with a high station in the proximity of Ahlulbayt (A.S.). 

Shabir Najafi

Above: Group photograph at the Dinner hosted by Dar es Salaam Jamaat President, Alhaj Mohamedraza Dewji at his residence held on Sunday 20th December 2020 in honor of the participants of 82nd Supreme Council Session which was hosted by Dar es Salaam Jamaat. Seen in the photograph: Marhum Syed Hassan Naqvi, Mamod Premjee (Reunion), Mohamed Anvarali (Reunion), Anwarali Dharamsi (Immediate past WF President), Mohamedraza Dewji (Dsm Jamaat President), Shabir Najafi (AFED Chairman), Amine Nassor (AFED Vice Chairman (UAKSIR) and Aunali Khalfan (AFED Vice Chairman – Secretariat).

Marhum was the elder brother of Syed Mohamed Naqvi and Syed Ali Redha Naqvi. He is survived by his wife, Rehana bai, daughters Zahra, Ishrat, sons Maitham & Zain ul Abideen.

With deep sorrow we convey our heartfelt condolences to his wife, children, brothers, sisters, grandchildren and all family members. We extend from AFED Secretariat our heartfelt condolences to the AFTAB members and to all Heads of the Madrassahs in Africa, and all those who were closely associated with Marhum Syed Hassan Naqvi.

We pray to Allah (SWT) to grant Marhum maghferat and place his soul amongst the blessed ones in the vicinity of Chaharada Masumeen (A.S.) and who continuously receive mercy and grace of Allah (SWT).

Above: In Dar es Salaam following the completion of the 5 modules (MT5) of the WF MCE – Teachers’ Skills Program (TSP) which was conducted by Syed Ali Redha Naqvi in May 2019. Seen here are teachers of Husseini Madressah of Dar es Salaam Jamaat posing for a group photograph with officials from Dar es Salaam Jamaat, WF and AFED. Seated in the 2nd row from left is Alhaj Syed Hassan Naqvi, Chairman of AFED Tabligh Board (AFTAB), the co-sponsorers of the program.
Above: Qur’an Competition (QC 14) held in Nairobi hosted by SAAJ in July 2018. Seen here from left standing is the Madressah Student and seated are Sheikh Dr. Murtadha Alidina, Sheikh Nuru Mohamed (Judges) and AFTAB Chairman, Alhaj Syed Hassan Naqvi.


Sura-Al-Fateha is requested for Marhum Syed Hassan and all the Marhumeen.


Africa Federation