Home Education Annual Report (2018-2019) of Masumeen Islamic Center (MIC) Manipal

Annual Report (2018-2019) of Masumeen Islamic Center (MIC) Manipal


The Masumeen Islamic center in Manipal is being managed by the Student Association, with volunteers from amongst the students themselves conducting various programs.

Manipal has a high student population from Africa region who pursue their Higher Education at Manipal University in India.  The Centre is financially supported by Education Board of Africa Federation with the aim to assist our community students studying there.

We are pleased to share with you the report on the activities carried out by the students in Manipal during the year 2018 -2019 as reported by the students.

  1. Majlis-e-Azaa and Lecture Sessions

These Majalises are held every Tuesdays and Thursdays. The routine Majlis sessions begin with the recitation of Hadith-e-Kisa followed by Surah-e- Yaseen and Dua Tawasul/Dua Kumayl. This is followed by a short video/lecture.

The aim of these majalises is to maximize the potential of the youths of the community and have maximum participation from the youths. One of our objectives is to start Mafaahim classes (understanding the language of the Qur’an)

  1. Khushali and Wafaat programs

We have also actively engaged in organizing and attending the Khushali and Wafaat programs throughout the year.

During these gatherings we also have group activities, quizzes and blockbusters so that we have community members actively participating and reading up on different topics – general knowledge, Islamic history etc. This is a great way to build up teamwork amongst community members during such occasions.

Furthermore, we have fresher’s programs’ and farewell programs for the members who have just joined and those leaving MIC.

  1. Mahe-Muharram Programs:

One of the main events the committee prepares for is the Muharam program. We have meetings and discussions weeks prior regarding the Muharam theme, program timings, lecture topics, Mataam, Dua recitations, Amaals and community services.

This year the theme was Alchemy of Love which was chosen by Tabligh committee for the month of Muharam. The main aim was to implement the lessons learnt from Imam Husayn (as), his family and companions taking it beyond the tragedy of Karbala. The theme was also based on a thought-provoking question; “Remember who you are and what you stand for”.

Moreover, the members actively volunteer in making necessary preparations at the Centre during the days of Muharram.

Our achievements this year for Muharram Majalises include:

  • The programs started earlier this year to increase participation from first years who had hostel curfew.
  • Maximum participation was attained throughout the month.
  • All community members contributed in one way or another to put the Muharam programs together. (Poster making, Alam & black wall cloth, nyaz preparations etc.)
  • Many people in the community voluntarily came up to recite marsiya and mataam during the month.
  • Different people from other cultural background (Iranians) joined us in the azadari of Aba Abdillahil Hussain (a.s.)

  1. Community Services

The community services we participated in were:

a. Srikrishna Balniketan– Bibi Sakina Drive

We visited the Srikrishna Balniketan orphanage and dedicated the day to the young daughter of Imam Husayn (as)- Bibi Sakina (as). Whilst there we served snacks and had planned activities.

In addition to that, we had placed a clothes-collection box at the Centre to collect clothes for them. These clothes were then given to orphanage for the orphans.

b. Blood Donation- Day of Ashura

In the Holy Qur’an Allah says, “Whosoever saves a human life, saves the life of the whole mankind” [5: 32].  Alhamdullilah this year many community members showed up for blood donation on the Day of Ashura. This gave us an opportunity to raise awareness and spread the message of Aba Abdillahil Hussain (a.s.).

c. Water distribution – Ashura

On the Day of Ashura, a group of members went out on the streets to distribute water bottles with the message of Imam Husayn (as) on it. This gave us a chance to explain to the public about the event of Ashura- mainly on the message of humanity, justice and social equality that the Imam stood for almost 1400 years ago.

  1. Annual General Meeting (AGM):

Every beginning must come to an end. The Annual general meeting is held at the end of every appointed year for all committee members to attend.

It comprises of the sub-committee members presenting their reports, achievements, experiences and advices. MIC sub-committees include; Treasurer, Tabligh, Nyaz and Maintenance.

Furthermore, the community members at the AGM are informed about different aspects like; finances, cost-breakdowns and how programs and services were planned and organized throughout the year.

Once the presentations were over, the new committee members were announced and congratulated; this was followed by a dinner to mark the end of the year.

Africa Federation Secretariat and the Education Board of Africa Federation extend their heartiest congratulations to the members (students) of Masumeen Islamic Centre for their creativity and various events carried out throughout the year. The humanitarian services extended to the communities in Manipal have touched our hearts, kudos to these wonderful students, May Allah (SWT) increase in your tawfeeqat and Imaan, Ameen. Please keep up the good job, we wish them all the best for the upcoming year.