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First Batch of the Teachers Skill Program Participants awarded with Level 2 Qualification by the NCFE


The Madressa Center of Excellence – Teachers Skill Program (TSP) is proud to announce it’s first ever cohort of graduates! Before the certificates could be awarded, the TSP had to undergo a rigourous External Quality Assurance process by the NCFE, UK and the TSP team is pleased to share the report of the visit. Read our special write-up below:

The Teachers Skill Program

The Teachers Skills Program, a stream of the Madrasah Centre of Excellence which is a vehicle that delivers and maintains the strategies for the Madrasah program, aims at providing the teachers with practical skills, tools and resources that follow current teaching techniques to bridge the gap between schools and madrasah. The participant teachers are encouraged to challenge their own beliefs and attitudes about the role of a teacher. They are taught to focus on the teaching and learning process, student-centered approach and effective planning and assessment methodologies.

Report of the External Quality Assurance Visit

On 10th July, the External Quality Assurer (EQA), Graham Lees, of the NCFE, UK, carried out a full assessment of the Teacher Skills Program. The 5 areas inspected were Course Administration and Management, Resources, Assessors’ Documentation, IQA Documentation and Learner’s Work Samples.

This was the first EQA review for the center and was conducted remotely. Detailed documentation was supplied as a secure upload findings were discussed with Suquena Panjwani and Sayyid Ali Naqvi in their respective roles of Lead Internal Quality Assurer (IQA) and Head of Department via a Teams meeting. Mr Lees commented that “course administration is well organised and fit for purpose…Learner progress is tracked using an appropriate spreadsheet within the centre. Achievement is clearly shown and was placed against assessment sessions”

While putting down his observations on the team, he mentioned that there is a chart in place which shows the roles within the organisation and all the policies  are in place and documented in written form.  The staff understand their responsibilities and it is noted that Suquena Panjwani – the lead IQA has attended NCFE IQA training to develop knowledge of the assessor and IQA role. Suquena Panjwani commented “We are delighted by the fantastic achievement of the teachers. With the help of Allah, teamwork and collaboration, we were able to fulfil all the necessary criteria and achieve a great result, Alhamdullilah!”

Level 2 Qualification awarded by the NCFE

All the 77 participating were successfully awarded their Level 2 Qualification in Teacher Skills Program. These teachers had to undergo two days of training and 5 observed MicroTeach Sessions to meet the learning hours stated by the NCFE specification. Furthermore, WF-MCE achieved its Direct Claim Status (DCS) which enables MCE to claim learner certificates without needing authorisation from the EQA.

In his concluding statements, Graham mentioned that, “We discussed ongoing developments to the course and it was noted that Sayyid is actively undertaking ongoing review and updating as applicable. I advised that any changes should be subject to a documented review process. An end of year review is planned after a successful first year of delivery. The review will involve discussion between the team and senior management. Learner feedback captured by use of evaluation forms and verbal discussion will feed into the review.”

We reached out to Sayyid Ali Naqvi to comment on the joyous occasion; and he said “Alhamdulilah, I’m extremely proud of these 77 teachers from Madaris in Africa to have achieved the TSP accredited customised qualification from NCFE UK. Teaching and learning in Madaris will be taken to new heights, inshaAllah. All regions are urged to support the Madaris to pursue this qualification and I humbly call upon all teachers to make it a priority to achieve this Qualification.”

The Khoja News team congratulates the MCE management on the achievement of this milestone!