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New homes for first-time buyers


New homes have been handed over to first-time buyers in a landmark housing project by Nairobi Jamaat and Africa Federation.

The Haadi Residence has two six-storey blocks, each with 48 comfortable and spacious three-bedroom apartments finished to a high quality.

The opening ceremony on 7 July marked the culmination of an eight-year dream.

The project was initiated in 2011 by the then AFED Chairman Alhaj Anwarali Dharamsi and President of Nairobi Jamaat Alhaj Aasif Karim.

Huge achievement

Haadi Residence is a huge achievement for the Jamaat and represents a “golden opportunity” for members of the Khoja community to own or rent their own home, the AFED Housing Development Board said.

“The project coming to fruition is a big step forward and we congratulate the Nairobi Jamaat (SAAJ) for their keen involvement and efforts for this project for the benefit of the members of the Jamaat in particular … it is indeed a landmark achievement,” the Board said.

Already 28 apartments have been sold outright to first-time buyers, some are available through a SAAJ “Rent-to-Own” scheme and two apartments have been donated to SAAJ.

Golden opportunity to buy

Apartments remain available for sale. AFED and Nairobi Jamaat are appealing globally to those who have relatives and close friends residing in Nairobi to take advantage of what they call a “golden opportunity”.

The price for first-time buyers is K.Shs:11,000,000 (USD 107,000) and K.Shs:13,000,000 (USD 126,000) for second-time buyers.

The Haadi Residence includes a garden and 100 parking spaces, and the quality of the finishes was praised by Alhaj Akil Hirji, AFED Housing Board Chairman.

Tireless support

Mr Hirji noted the hard work and effort put in by the Chairman of Nairobi Jamaat Alhaj Zaheerabbas Khimji, by AFED Housing Board Member Alhaj Mohammed Bandali, who monitored the project quality throughout, and by SAAJ HPC Chairman, Alhaj Mohamed Kermali. Without their tireless support this project would have been too great a challenge to accomplish, he said.