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Samosas and pizza banned for Ramadhan


No samosas, no pizza, no fizzy drinks and definitely no salt …. that’s the recipe for a healthy Ramadhan.

Fitness experts are also recommending that we avoid low-calorie and diet foods, because they don’t provide the calories needed for energy.

What’s essential is to consume healthy food and drink that will slowly release energy and help our bodies to stay hydrated.

Dates – a wonder food

On the recommended list are lots of water, fruit and vegetables, protein and porridge, according to fitness experts Pure Abs.

Great sources of nutrition when fasting are also dates – packed with natural sugar, essential minerals and vitamins, they are the way the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) opened his fast. And coconut water is a super-fast way to hydrate, as recommended by Usain Bolt!

A useful tip: only use small plates for Iftar and it is much easier to eat less and not overeat.

Walking and yoga

Exercise is crucial for a health body and fitness training can continue in moderation: walking and yoga are highly recommended, but strength and high-intensity training are not advised if a fast is longer than 14 hours. A half-hour walk before Iftar helps burn fat whilst in a fasting state.

And a final recommendation from Pure Abs: “Following Ramadan, take advantage of the fact that your body doesn’t need three large meals per day. Instead, try to eat smaller meals often and avoid eating fatty, salty or sugary foods as much as possible. This will ensure you’ll keep the fat off and keep you looking trim until next year’s Ramadan detox!”

Recommended menus

See recommended Ramadhan menus here.