Home Community Stanmore Jafferys AAWA 2020 Fundraising Update

Stanmore Jafferys AAWA 2020 Fundraising Update


Fundraising Overview

On behalf of WF-AID, I would like to take this opportunity to once again congratulate the Stanmore Jafferys riders on your substantial achievements at the Windsor ride earlier this year – including the men’s, ladies and youth riders. I would also like to extend our wider gratitude to the other associated cycling sportive events around the globe – from Dubai to Toronto.

Your endeavours are truly remarkable and the generosity shown by donors and contributors fundraising for life-changing sustainable WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) initiatives is truly humbling. Water is at the core of sustainable development and is critical for socio-economic development, energy and food production, healthy ecosystems and for human survival itself. 2.2 billion people lack access to safely managed drinking water services, based on a WHO/UNICEF survey in 2019.

Your target of raising £72,000 to alleviate this water scarcity problem was surpassed by over a staggering £30,000 – raising in total £103,823 on the JustGiving page and through direct donations!

The target objectives for the fundraiser was to facilitate WASH projects in underprivileged and water scarce locations throughout the world, which are detailed in subsequent sections. The most prominent of these is the Gaza desalination plant, which is already into its final phases of implementation. This was selected due to the severe water shortages in Izbat Beit Hanoun, Gaza – due to the overwhelming population density in the region and the repeated aggression on water sources for the Palestinian people – as well as due to widespread diseases, high levels of salinity in the water, the electricity crisis in Gaza and the dire poverty of residents in the locality – where it costs more to buy a litre of bottled water than the equivalent amount of petrol!

To all who have fundraised for #AAWA2020, thank you for your continued support and for providing clean water for the thirsty. We are truly humbled and grateful for your generous contributions and we pray to Allah (SWT) to multiply your deeds through his infinite mercy.

Financial Update

WF-AID are currently in receipt of £91,323 of the total funds raised, with CAD $21,633.48 (approx. £12,500) being held by the Toronto Jaffari Cycling team to be allocated for a specific project in East Africa – to be confirmed. The allocation for projects (excluding the Toronto funds) so far is as follows:

Some key points regarding the above table:

  • The equivalent is based on a currency calculation at the snapshot point of time, for example when the Gaza desalination plant was commenced in August, the remittance of USD $69,465 was just over £53,000 in GBP. The deficit required is based on today’s exchange rate.
  • The Gaza project is capped at a total of GBP £60,000 liability for
  • Stanmore Jafferys, even if a further deficit is incurred (which is unlikely).
  • WF-AID have recommended two additional ‘live’ projects to Stanmore Jafferys totalling USD $39,125, which are as follows:
    • USD $33,300 (GBP ~£25,000) – UNRWA WASH Project at the Nur Shams refugee camp schools, West Bank, Palestine.
    • USD $5,825 (GBP ~£4,500) – washrooms project in Nakuru, Kenya.


We will be recommending further projects to Stanmore Jafferys as received and reviewed to meet our quality mark and sustainable development goals.

Project Update

 Gaza Desalination Plant

The Gaza desalination plant project was selected due to the aforementioned target objectives of WASH initiatives as well as an analysis on sustainable development goals that was conducted by WF-AID at the needs assessment stage. This project stood out as a priority initiative, where the ground agency mentions “this project came at the right time with a generous donation from The World Federation in cooperation with Stanmore Jafferys – we extend our sincere thanks and gratitude for your generous support for the people of Gaza Strip.”

The fundamental idea of this project is based on the establishment of a water desalination plant and a large water well, generating power through a solar energy system, facilitated with a water distribution vehicle that will distribute clean water to needy beneficiaries in the locality. The project in Izbat Beit Hanoun, Gaza Strip, is currently in the third phase of the implementation process, which is the installation of the desalination unit itself. The preparatory stage and the water well drilling have all been completed successfully, despite the gravity of the lockdown and curfew situation in the region.

Preparations being made at the site to commence the project

Following the project being announced in the local media in Gaza, a tender was awarded to a company specialising in implementing water projects in the region to lead on the second phase – drilling of the water well at a depth of 75 metres into the ground to source the highest quality of water. This cooperation was signed according to high specifications with the Ministry of Health, including a lab water examination process to be undertaken.

At this second stage, high quality water pipes were extended until reaching the water layer, and a pump has been installed to withdraw water and will be attached to the desalination unit. This stage took 10 working days between November 18th and December 3rd 2020 and was completed without any major obstacles – aside from the inevitable Covid-19 lockdown situation.

Timeline of the second phase – water well drilling

Following the completion of the second phase, the ground partner immediately executed the third and largest stage of the project – supplying and installing the desalination unit. This included the following:

  • Supplying all the samples to the location; hiring a specialist engineer to approve the samples with the required specifications in accordance to compliance regulations from the Ministry of Health.
  • Supplying the water tanks for the salty and fresh water.
  • Starting the intricate mechanical works, which includes installing filters, valves and pumps.
  • Installing the electrical works, such as installing the control panels and digital watches.
  • Installing the required extensions and connections of the water lines between water tanks and desalination unit, and between the desalination unit and the well.
  • Examination of the works carried out above.

Configuration of the valves at the desalination unit

 The initial planned timeline of this stage was estimated to be 21 working days; however our ground partner managed to double the working crew and increased working hours – often throughout the night – due to the perceived full lockdown that is imminent in Gaza as a result of a proliferation of Covid 19 cases. The ground partner did not want to leave the project suspended at the second stage to avoid any changes in water quality, therefore have expended their efforts to deliver the third phase in a record 12 days – this was completed on 10th December 2020.

The next phase will involve the installation of the solar power system, the acquisition of a water truck and a thorough project analysis to be completed before the implementation of the distribution of water for needy people can commence. Due to the imminent lockdown in Gaza, this will be delayed until it is possible to resume operations. The estimated timeline for completion at present is end of March 2021. Therefore, the next update will be provided in mid-February, when we should also have a clearer picture on the committed projects by Stanmore Jafferys on the surplus of funds.

WF-AID look forward to the next update and for the continued support of Stanmore Jafferys in assisting the needy and vulnerable throughout the world.