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Ten ways to prepare for the holy month of Ramadan


“Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may attain taqwaa (righteousness).” (Holy Qur’an, Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 2:183)

The following guide has been prepared by Africa Federation.

Our Holy Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa (SAWW) used to fast during the months of Rajab and Sha’ban. He encouraged Muslims around him to increase their worship during Ramadan and before it actually arrived. By mentioning the extra rewards for doing good deeds during these blessed months he tried to motivate them in advance.

During the holy month of Ramadan fasting means not only abstaining from eating and drinking, but it also keeps one away from evils and bad activities, and encourages one to engage in prayer, charity and other good deeds, bringing one closer to Allah (SWT).

Furthermore, the holy month of Ramadan is not only the month of fasting, it is also the month of the Holy Qur’an – the month in which the Holy Qur’an was revealed as a guide for mankind.

Ten ways to prepare for the holy month

  1. Keep praying daily that Allah (SWT) gives us the chance and grants us good health that will enable us to fast the way that He likes and wants during the holy month.
  2. Start repenting (Isteghfaar) and seeking forgiveness of the Almighty for all our wrongdoings before the holy month of Ramadan.
  3. Seek the Wasilah of the Ma’sumeen (AS) especially the Imam of our time (ATFS) and build your relationship with them.
  4. Recite and reflect upon the Holy Qur’an.
  5. Seek forgiveness from all members of your family, workmates, neighbours and relatives for any wrongdoing against them.
  6. Give more charity (Zakaat and Sadqah) to the needy and poor.
  7. Refrain from backbiting, slandering and unlawful mixing with people.
  8. Clean your heart and soul from envy, jealousy, hypocrisy, arrogance and improve your character.
  9. Seek the blessings of your parents and their forgiveness for your shortcomings towards them.
  10. Increase your Du’a and commitment to your daily duties and obligations; do not abandon enjoining good (what is right) and forbidding evil (what is wrong).

Medical advice

If you have concerns over your ability to fast, for example because of diabetes, high blood pressure or reflux, ask your doctor if it is safe for you. Ensure proper scheduling of medications during the holy month.

Covid19 and Ramadan

The world is currently going through difficult times unprecedented in recent history. The Covid-19 outbreak is first and foremost a human tragedy, it is having a growing impact on the global economy, and it is imposing restrictions on large gatherings which are affecting our normal religious functions and events, like daily congregational prayers, majlises, iftar etc.

Our Jamaats should proactively consider the best possible way to conduct programmes for the month of Sha’ban and the holy month of Ramadan for members of our community to preserve our religious activities and spiritual wellbeing while at the same time maintaining necessary social distancing.

Importance of madrassah classes

We wish to reemphasise the importance of madrassah classes for boys and girls during this close-down. Jamaats should work on alternative methods such as online learning two or three times a week while schools are shut. For more guidance, kindly contact Africa Federation Tabligh Board (AFTAB) – email: aftab@africafederation.org

Africa Federation has two officials in The World Federation’s Covid-19 Task Force. Should you require more information and guidance, please email Alhaj Zuhair Jaffer, Hon. Secretary of AFED, and Dr Mazaher Jaffer, Member of AFED Central Health Board (CHB) – email

Read about Ramadan Relief food packs here