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Youth and women at the forefront


The role of youth and women have been key themes in speeches to the General Assembly of the Khoja Indian Ocean regional council (CROI) in Madagascar.

Africa Federation (AFED) chairman Alhaj Shabir Najafi spoke of the importance of developing the youth of our community, providing them with skills training, talent management and leadership development programmes.

AFED had undertaken this with several Jamaats involving youths, social workers and volunteers from both genders, he said.

A better future

Vice chairman Alhaj Amine Nassor spoke about the changing geopolitical and economic environment globally, urged the community to gear itself to face these challenges, and echoed the message about education for all children.

He stressed that students should not stop at completion of their secondary education but should pursue Higher Education and degree courses for the betterment of their careers and their future.

Women’s participation

Chairman Najafi also spoke about women’s participation in the community and the important role they play in development and social services.

He emphasised the need for women to have recreational facilities to include indoor games, a swimming pool and multipurpose hall, and thanked Alhaj Raza Aly Hiridjee for his support to CROI and KSI Jamaat of Antananarivo in this regard.

First Lady honoured

For the first time, Africa Federation awarded a Chairman’s Appreciation Award to CROI’s First Lady in recognition of the dedication and support she has given to its chairman Alhaj Sheikh Haniphe Akbaraly.

Mrs. Maleka Haniphe Akbaraly’s support for many years had enabled her husband to carry out his service to the community and local people in tableegh, social and religious work with ease and comfort, chairman Najafi said. He expressed his profound appreciation as she was presented with a trophy in her honour.

Outstanding dedication

The General Assembly brings together Presidents and delegates from 15 Jamaats in Madagascar and their invitees every three years.

The event was hosted by Antananarivo KSI Jamaat at KSIJ Imambargha.

At the two-day meeting, World Federation President Alhaj Anwarali Dharamsi was recognised by CROI for his outstanding dedication and leadership service to the community globally.