Home Community Al Abbas Islamic Centre, Birmingham receives 3 nominations in the 4th Annual...

Al Abbas Islamic Centre, Birmingham receives 3 nominations in the 4th Annual British Beacon Mosque Awards


The Annual British Beacon Mosque Awards is back for the 4th year and Al Abbas Islamic Centre has received a nomination in 3 categories – Most Impactful Imam 2021, Best Outreach Service 2021 and Best Madrassah Service 2021. Read the article below to find out what this prestigious award is about and how you can help by casting your vote.

Please click on the links to cast your votes:
Most Impactful Imam 2021 – Shaykh Nuru Mohamad,
Best Outreach Service 2021 – Al Abbas Islamic Centre
and Best Madrassah Service 2021 – Muhammadi Madrassah.

About Beacon Mosque

The Beacon Mosque has been developed to recognize that the role Mosques and Islamic Centre’s play in the macro infrastructure of towns and cities is being felt and their impact on the social and cultural fabric of society is being measured.

The Beacon Mosque initiative offers Mosque leadership to rate their Mosque against a set criterion to achieve a 3*, 4* or 5* rating.  A 5* rated Beacon Mosque truly serves both its congregation and the wider community, through an efficient, inclusive, and sustainable provision of services. The optimal utilization of a mosque is only achieved when leadership, management and members begin to understand the scope & purpose of the mosque; how it is not just simply a place for prayer, but a focal point for the entire community to serve, safeguard and support.

The Annual British Beacon Mosque Awards

The Beacon Mosque Awards, started in 2018, the first of their kind in awarding mosques around the world, and celebrating the work of Islamic institutions in 10 different categories.

This year marks the 4th year that these awards are successfully running. The 10 categories for awards this year are – Best Run Mosque, Best Youth Service, Best Madrassah Service, Best Outreach Service, Best Women’s Service, Most Impactful Imam, Best Green Initiative, Most Impactful Alimah, Best Innovative Service and Best Future Design Award.

Al Abbas Islamic Centre’s Participation in the 2021 Awards

Al Abbas Islamic Centre has been nominated in 3 categories for the 2021 Awards. These categories are:

  1. Most Impactful ImamNomination for Shaykh Nuru Mohamad, the resident Aalim of Birmingham.
  2. Best Outreach Service 2021Nomination for Al Abbas Islamic Centre (Birmingham)
  3. Best Madrassah Service 2021Nomination for Muhammadi Madrassah (Birmingham)

Currently, Al Abbas Islamic Centre is leading in all the 3 nominated categories. However, in addition to the voting, the Judges’ assessment of the evidence of finalist’s work is the main criteria. The voting for the shortlisted finalists closes on 1st December 2021 and the winners will be announced at the Awards Ceremony on 4th December 2021 through a virtual ceremony.

This is a spectacular achievement for our community that we should celebrate and be proud of. Support Al Abbas Islamic Centre and cast your vote by clicking on the links:
Most Impactful Imam 2021,
Best Outreach Service 2021 
and Best Madrassah Service 2021.

Kindly share this with your family and friends too and encourage them all to VOTE and support Al Abbas Islamic Centre!