Home Education As-Sadiq Islamic School – Transforming the teaching of Islam

As-Sadiq Islamic School – Transforming the teaching of Islam


A leading community school is celebrating its 25th anniversary by launching a project to infuse an Islamic perspective into every subject on the curriculum.

As-Sadiq Islamic School in Ontario, Canada, excels academically as it nurtures students from the age of 18 months to university and inspires them to be the leaders of tomorrow.

As it looks ahead to its next 25 years, its new curriculum project aims to show students that knowledge comes from Allah – something it sees as one of the most poignant rationales for having an Islamic School.

All knowledge comes from Allah

Dr. Fayaaz Jaffer, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, explained the thinking behind Infusing Islam into all Subject Areas. “We do believe that this project will transform the way we teach Islam at As-Sadiq Islamic School,” he said.

“At As-Sadiq, we believe that all ‘ilm (knowledge) comes from Allah. In light of this, everything that is communicated in terms of knowledge and taught does not only have a “Godly” or “Islamic” dimension but it is inspired by God in the sense that he is the one who created knowledge.

“To that effect and with that inspiration, our goal is to try our utmost to ensure that all subject areas have an Islamic perspective as part of the learning objectives.  For example, when students complete their science fair projects, it is required that each project has an Islamic perspective tied to it.

“We are conducting staff professional development sessions inspiring our teachers to come up with new ways to situate Allah and the Ahl al-Bayt (as) at the center of everything we teach. This is perhaps one of the most poignant rationales for having an Islamic School.”

Science remains science

He explained: “Therefore, the secular curriculum in terms of information does not change – science remains science and math remains math, however our goal as a team is to bring different Islamic dimensions to bear upon the subjects taught so to remind students that all knowledge ultimately comes from Allah who is al-‘Alim (The All Knowledgeable/Knowing) and it should serve that aim.

“Consequently, regardless of what subject we study and which career we pursue our ultimate responsibility is to answer to Allah for how we used our education whilst in this world.”

Raising funds

The school is raising funds to invest in resources that will help infuse Islam into each subject curriculum at each grade level.

The World Federation has pledged USD 5,000 to the project. WF President Anwarali Dharamsi said: “It is not only heartening but a proud moment for our worldwide Khoja community to learn that the school is celebrating its 25th anniversary. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you and your team, present and past, with whose efforts the school has progressed admirably from its humble origins to one of the leading schools in Ontario region consistently excelling in academic excellence.” WF Councillor Aliraza Rajani spoke at the school’s anniversary event on 13 April on behalf of The World Federation.

As-Sadiq chairman Dr. Jaffer thanked the WF for its support since the school’s inception, saying: “We truly believe that our school’s success and growth over the past 25 years has been a joint effort of the entire Khoja Shia Muslim Community on the heels of the leadership of the World Federation.”

Leaders of tomorrow

He said the school’s first 25 years were spent growing it to what it is today – a school that starts nurturing and educating children from the age of 18 months and continues all the way until they are ready to go to university.  This provided the best opportunity to raise successful, proud Shia Muslims whom the school is inspiring to be the leaders of tomorrow, he said.

The next 25 years will see a shift in focus to excellence in education and deen, with the help of donations from supporters that will allow As-Sadiq to reach its full potential, sharing its resources and experience with other Shia schools.

Its projects include investing in academic excellence, innovation and technology, and a subsidy program to help those in need.