Home Education Education Board Strategy Meeting

Education Board Strategy Meeting


Africa Federation Education Board has met to strategise for key initiatives that need to be launched before it completes its term and hands over to the next team.

The Board is now in its last six months in office, and among its major deliberations were:

  • Development of an online resource centre for education-related resources
  • Better engagement strategy for the Alumni Network
  • A review of the Education Board policies and processes
  • Improved use of technology for Education Board processes, including loan applications.

Over the next few months the Board will be providing further information about these initiatives.

The Education Board team consists of members from various cities in East Africa and from various different professional and educational backgrounds. This geographical and professional diversity allows for greater representation across our Jamaats and better perspective in terms of education-related matters.

While the Education Board team frequently uses technology for regular communications and decision making it also emphasises physical meetings that allow all members to come together for key deliberations and strategy development. Its meeting in December 2018 was one of these as the team evaluated its term and deliberated on the initiatives listed above.

Keep watching this space and feel free to reach out to the Education Board Secretariat in case of any feedback through education@africafederation.org