Home Education Leadership Development Programme is huge success

Leadership Development Programme is huge success


The 12th Leadership Development Programme, held at the Jaffery Islamic Centre in Mombasa, Kenya in December 2018, was an inspiring experience for participants.

Held over four days, the Leadership Development Programme deals with matters of family, work, society and personal life, all guided by the values and principles of Islam. For over a decade the programme has helped young people to realise their full potential and further themselves professionally and personally by involving them in community projects, equipping them with vital leadership skills and teaching methods of increasing their productivity by working efficiently. The interactive and dynamic style of the programme helps the participants to learn the value of their different perspectives as well as about different styles of leadership.

Inspired and energised

Participants praised the programme highly, saying “every person seeking office should undergo this programme as it explains how to be authentic”, that “it was simply amazing and knowing oneself is like knowing Allah”, and “I have felt so inspired and energised – it’s been amazing!”

At the end participants were awarded certificates at a ceremony attended by important members of the Jamaat in Mombasa, and reflected enthusiastically on what they had learned about themselves on their brief foray down some paths less travelled. The programme gave them an invaluable chance to draw on each other’s past experience and expertise to expand their own horizons.

One grateful graduate of the programme said, “What is so appropriate is the Ayat of the Holy Quran that this course personifies. From Surah Rahman 55th chapter Ayat 13 – ‘Which then of God’s favours will you deny?’ For a person who has struggled with self-esteem issues, this course is yet another blessing from my Lord to learn how individual and special He has created me, as well as every one of his creations. No doubt it was not an easy four days, both in terms of questioning myself at the core as well as the workload, but as they say no pain, no gain.”

Exciting opportunity

Hosted by KSI Jamaat Mombasa, Africa Youth Network and the Africa Federation Capacity Building Group and attended by 26 participants, the Leadership Development Programme is an exciting opportunity for young men and women to learn from world-class facilitators.

The Africa Federation Capacity Building Group extends its appreciation and gratitude to the amazing volunteers whose efforts ensured the programme’s resounding success, as well as to the Managing Committee and Chairman of the Mombasa Jamaat for providing a location and facilities, and to the Africa Youth Network’s board for the logistical organisation. The Africa Federation Office Bearers and Secretariat once again provided backing, support and guidance, as they do with all the Capacity Building Group’s programmes. Finally, they wish to thank the participants who brought their time, enthusiasm and unique skills to make this a truly unforgettable and eye-opening event for all involved.