Home Community The Tanga Bilal Hawza Building

The Tanga Bilal Hawza Building


The Africa Federation Housing Development Board in collaboration with the Central Bilal Board and Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania are undertaking a building project in Tanga to house the Girls’ Hawza, which is in big demand.

It is situated on Plot No. 7-8, block 19, Makoko street/Street no. 4 with a plot size of 375sqm.

Educating girls

The project also encompasses the broader vision of AFED and Bilal Muslim Mission of educating girls, who will be the community’s future mothers and will be more aware of the importance of education for their children as well as becoming economically independent.

Presently there are 40 boys and 63 girls in Tanga Hawzas. The boys are accommodated at the Bilal Complex whilst the girls are accommodated in two rented houses near the Bilal Complex.  The need for more space and facilities is essential for efficient and smooth operating of the Hawzas.

The project shall consist of a seven-storey building that includes:

Ground Floor: Library, Hall, Teachers’ room, Kitchen, Store and Generator
1st Floor: Lecture Hall
2nd Floor: 6 Classrooms and Principal’s office
3rd Floor: 10 Accommodation rooms
4th Floor: 10 Accommodation rooms
5th Floor: 11 Accommodation rooms (For married couples)
6th Floor: 11 Accommodation rooms (For married couples)
7th Floor: 4 Apartments (2 bedroom)
Terrace: Opened and Covered Terrace Area

The site was handed over to the contractor on 6th September 2018 for mobilisation and demolishing of old structure. The construction work began on 12th November 2018 and is currently progressing well with the first-floor slab casted.

Completion on time

The Housing Development Board is closely working together with all consultants and the contractor as a team to accomplish the project on time. The consultants and housing board members have been visiting the site regularly to assess the progress and quality of works.

A meeting with all consultants and contractor was recently held site meeting on 8th February 2019 to discuss progress of the work. The meeting was also attended by the Housing Board Chairman and Engineer.

The project is progressing as per the schedule; it is anticipated that the project will be completed by February 2020.

We pray to Allah (SWT) for the successful accomplishment of the Hawza Project – and continue to shower His infinite blessings and grace unto all donors and supporters for this noble cause, Ameen.