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Khoja News hits Facebook 1K!


Khoja News is celebrating reaching 1,000 followers on Facebook – a massive milestone as our online community goes from strength to strength.

Our Facebook page is bursting with life and great stories from our fantastic Khoja communities around the globe.

Khoja News is your voice – your place to tell the world about your achievements, from charity fundraising to record-breaking exam results, from business success to sporting glory.

It’s the platform to announce community projects, read interviews with Khoja pioneers and learn about the latest events from across the Khoja world, along with updates on weddings, bereavements and births.

Here is a selection of our recent stories:





The best place to be online

Check out Khoja News on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter here:

F: https://www.facebook.com/KhojaNewsOnline

I: https://www.instagram.com/KhojaNewsOnline

T: https://www.twitter.com/KhojaNewsOnline

Join the Khoja News bandwagon

Khoja News is your opportunity, so make the most of it.

We’d love you all, Jamaats and individual members of our wonderful community alike, to get in touch with your stories.

Join the bandwagon by sending your news to info@khojanews.org

We’ll post your story on Facebook, for our 1,000 followers … and counting!