Home Education Success stories from Zainabiya Child Sponsorship Scheme

Success stories from Zainabiya Child Sponsorship Scheme


This is the first piece in a three-part series about the Zainabiya Child Sponsorship Scheme (ZCSS) and its success stories.

ZCSS is a programme organised by The World Federation that helps to give children the opportunity to undertake primary and higher education. The scheme is fully funded by the generous donations of sponsors.

To read the second and third pieces in the series, click here and here.

What is the scheme?

ZCSS is currently sponsoring over 960 students across four countries – India, Pakistan, Kenya and Tanzania. Donations are used to pay for tuition fees, course materials, and other educational support. Generous donations currently fund 720 students in primary education, and 240 in higher education: 45 of these students are orphans.

These students are able to go on to attain more qualifications, and enrol on specialised courses. They are empowered by the kindness of ZCSS sponsors.

A success story – Mohammedabbas Ravjani, Gujarat

Mohammedabbas was one of the first recipients of sponsorship under the ZCSS programme, which enabled him to become the first in his family to attend college. This support helped him overcome not only financial but also academic challenges, and highlighted the importance of education.

Mohammedabbas built on his opportunity with the ZCSS, going on to pass his diploma in Mechanical Engineering with a distinction. He was then able to start his own career, working in the ship machinery and navigation industry, and starting his own business in January 2017. Mohammedabbas credits his success to Allah (SWT) and to the generous sponsorship through the ZCSS.

“I am honoured to be one of the recipients of ZCSS. Thanks for your generous support,” he says.

How to help

You too can help create amazing opportunities for more people like Mohammedabbas, by sponsoring a child’s education. You can join over 800 sponsors by donating to ZCSS.

It takes just £10/$15 USD per month to sponsor a child through primary education, or a one-off contribution of £120/$170 USD.

Alternatively, £60/$85 USD per month, or a one-off contribution of £720/$1,020 USD, will sponsor a student through higher education.

The communities that ZCSS work with thank all sponsors for their much-valued support. Donations can be made online. Go to www.world-federation.org/donate-2 then under “Choose a Campaign or Cause” type ZCSS and select primary or higher education.

This generosity helps to empower students in order to create lasting change in their lives, their communities and their world.

To read more ZCSS success stories, click here and here.